
Carbon Capture  

Phase 1 complete

In 2018 Pas de Loup began a reforestation programme on the estate.

Europe was in medieval times covered in dense forest was in the following centuries cleared to make way for farming that by 1990 only 26% of Europe was still covered in woodland. However, since then there has been a huge drive to reforest the continent and from 1990 to 2015 a total of 90,000km2 has been planted, an area larger than the size of Portugal. Today 32% of France is covered in forest.

The first phase of 2 hectares out of an envisaged 20 hectares has been planted. A total of 3,000 tress have bene planted , the mainstay of the local forest, oak represents 70% of the total with a mix of other indigenous species including birch, acacia, conifer. A 2 metre fence had to be installed around the field to prevent the wild bore from digging up the roots and the deer from eating the tender shoots.

Each tree will absorb on average 1 tonne of Co2 during it’s lifetime meaning this field alone will remove 3,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

We have entered into a carbon trading programme with Azura, a group of luxury hotels in Mozambique. They operate in some of the worlds most pristine National Parks and are highly environmentally focused, including being carbon neutral as it generating 100% of their power from a 400Mw solar plant. They offer the guests the opportunity to offset the carbon emisions they generated from a return flights from Europe to Mozambique by buying 7 trees which we will then plant in the phase 2 about to be launched.

Phase 2 Underway

A second phase is currently being prepared that will add a further 4 hectares of woodland. The field needs to first be ploughed, in preparation of the planting and a 2 metre high fence needs to be installed around the whole field to prevent the local deer from entering and eating the tender young tree shoots.

Wine Producing
Solar Production
Cold War Jets
Roll Royce Jet Engines